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PowerBuilder - Videos - PowerBuilder - Dise?o y Desarrollo - Productos - Sybase Inc switch to mobile view Espa?a [Cambiar] Argentina Alemania Australia Austria Bélgica Brasil Canadá China Corea Dinamarca Emiratos árabes Unidos Espa?a Estados Unidos Filipinas Finlandia Francia Hong Kong Hungría Malasia India Italia Japón México Noruega Nueva Zelanda Países Bajos Polonia Singapur Portugal Reino Unido República Checa República Eslovaca Rusia Sudáfrica Suecia Suiza Taiwán Turquía Póngase en Contacto / Mi Sybase / Productos | Asistencia | Socio | Tienda | Search for in all of Sybase.com Ver todos los resultados Compañía Historia Ejecutivos Oportunidades de Trabajo Red Mundial de Oficinas Noticias Prensa Eventos Atención a Analistas Casos de Estudio Administración de bases de datos SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere Advantage Database Server SAP Sybase Replication Server Análisis e inteligencia empresarial SAP Sybase IQ RAP - The Trading Edition Complex Event Processing Empresa móvil SAP Afaria Sybase Unwired Platform SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere Mensajería móvil Sybase SMS 365 Sybase IPX 365 Sybase GRX 365 Sybase Operator Analytics 365 Comercio móvil Sybase mBanking 365 Sybase mPayments 365 Sybase mRemittance 365 Modelado y desarrollo PowerBuilder SAP Sybase PowerDesigner VEA TODOS LOS PRODUCTOS DE LA A A LA Z » Descargas Centro de descarga de productos EBFs/Mantenimiento Descarga de productos Asistencia técnica Support --> Casos resueltos Administración de casos Documentación del Producto Documentos técnicos Grupos de noticias Desarrolladores/SDN Servicios Educación Consultoría Servicios administrados Nuestros socios Conozca a nuestros socios Busque un socio Socios móviles e inalámbricos Distribuidores y revendedores Business Solutions Alliance Program --> Cómo comenzar Descripción general del Programa para socios Asóciese Portal de socios Recursos del producto Hojas de datos Demostraciones Documentos técnicos Transmisiones vía Podcast Webcasts Biblioteca Casos de Éxito de clientes Informes de analistas Artículos destacados Boletines Centro de suscripción en línea Guía por Industria Redes Sociales Blogs Canales de redes sociales Videos Administre la información Bases de datos en memoria Procesamiento de transacciones en línea Agrupación en clusters de disco compartido Computación en la nube Bases de datos integradas Administración de datos móviles Analice la información Asistencia para toma de decisiones en tiempo real Informes Análisis predictivo Data Warehousing Análisis de Datos del Mercado Movilice la información Servicios empresariales Servicios para operadores móviles Servicios para mCommerce Administración Móvil Administración de dispositivos móviles Plataformas de aplicaciones móviles Ecosistema empresarial móvil Industrias Servicios financieros Gobierno Sector Salud Telecomunicaciones Servicios para mCommerce Sybase mBanking 365 Sybase mPayments 365 Sybase mTopUp 365 Sybase mRemittance 365 Servicios empresariales Servicios móviles de marketing Cartera de CRM móvil Entrega de SMS y MMS Soluciones de mPayment Generación de informes y análisis Sybase Push 365 Servicios para operadores móviles Sybase SMS 365 Sybase MMX 365 Sybase GRX 365 Sybase IPX 365 Sybase Operator Analytics 365 Soluciones de mPayment Productos > Dise?o y Desarrollo > PowerBuilder > PowerBuilder - Videos PowerBuilder - Demos Overviews specific features and capabilities found in PowerBuilder that can help you maximize your development. PowerBuilder 12 Video Demo: PowerBuilder .NET Guided Tour -- Part 1 Take this guided tour through PowerBuilder 12 to see for yourself how it's the "Hottest Thing Yet to ROCK .NET" Video Tutorial: WPF Benefits for PowerBuilder Developers PowerBuilder 12 is the only development tool that allows developers to migrate their Win32 applications to WPF. Video Tutorial: PowerBuilder WCF Client Support PowerBuilder 12 supports WCF by enabling applications to consume next generation Web Services. Video Tutorial: Powerscript Language Enhancements PowerBuilder 12 includes several major Powerscript language enhancements to make development faster and easier than ever. .NET Tutorials These self guided tutorials are designed to enable you to drill down and better understand how to master the new features and capabilities found in PowerBuilder 12. PowerBuilder and WCF Tutorial This self guided tutorial will show you how to use PowerBuilder .NET together with the Microsoft .NET Communication Framework to create rich client applications functioning in an enterprise Service Oriented Architecture. Concepts covered include an overview of the tenets of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), an overview of the scope of the Windows Communication Framework (WCF) and the integration issues it addresses. Definitions are provided for fundamental WCF concepts. Skills illustrated include how to use the PowerBuilder .NET IDE to create a WCF client application working within a SOA that invokes methods on a web service and uses returned values for local processing. PowerScript .NET Tutorial This self guided tutorial will show you how to create fully CLS compliant .NET Win Form and WPF applications using PowerScript code and employing new and current language features inside PB 12. Concepts covered include .NET Language interoperability; the Common Language Specification, creating .NET Consumer Role compatible applications using the PB 12 Classic IDE, and creating .NET compatible Extenders using the PB 12 .NET IDE. DataWindow Enhancements Covers the aesthetic updates now found in the DataWindow Tool Tips Gradients and Transparency 3D Graphs EAServer .NET Support in PowerBuilder 11.2 An outline of how your .NET-deployed PowerBuilder Targets can access EAServer via Windows Forms, Web Forms, Assemblies, and Web Services. Usability Enhancements A tour of the usability enhancements to the PowerBuilder 11 IDE. This shows how the PowerBuilder IDE is now both more powerful and more simple to use. WinForm Deployment Deploying a PowerBuilder Win32 Application as a .NET Windows Form Application Intelligent Updater Part 1 Installing a PowerBuilder .NET WinForm-Deployed Application Using .NET Smart Client Techniques Part 2 Updating a PowerBuilder .NET WinForm-Deployed Application Using .NET Smart Client Techniques Part 3 Rolling Back Changes to a .NET Smart Client-Published PowerBuilder Application Part 4 NET Smart Client Publishing a PowerBuilder .NET WinForm-Deployed Application Using FTP and UNC Part 5 Prerequisite Setting — Publishing and Installing Prerequisite Software that is Required by a PowerBuilder .NET WinForm-Deployed Application Web Form Deployment This demo covers deploying a PowerBuilder Win32 Application as a .NET WebForm Application Web Form Deployment – File Process Modes Overviews the Virtual File System Web File Process Modes - Share vs. Copy Web Form Deployment – Printing Management Provides a tour of the Embedded Print Manager Runtime Functionality Web Form Deployment – The Virtual File System Features of the Virtual File Manager and the Virtual File System that are deployed with every PowerBuilder WebForm application. .NET Interop One of the primary features of PowerBuilder 11 is the ability to call other .NET assemblies or classes in the .NET framework itself. In this demo, an existing client-server application is enhanced to demonstrate interoperatibilty in both Windows Forms and Web Forms. Projects and Targets An overview of the new "target types" in the PowerBuilder 11 IDE along with the current target concept. This also shows how the "project painters" have been elevated both in their importance and in their functionality. Conditional Compilation This demo provides an overview of the conditional compilation block introduced to the PowerScript language in PowerBuilder 11. A brief code walkthough using the predefined DEBUG variable demonstrates one possible usage of this new construct. Ajax This demo demonstrates some of the AJAX-style enhancements available in PowerBuilder .NET Web Forms applications. Don’t Wait – Migrate A discussion of the changes in the technology landscape and the many benefits the latest version PowerBuilder can offer you Refactoring, Code Cleansing, and Test-Driven Development with PowerBuilder Learn how to refactor and cleanse your code to address and prevent some common scenarios found in PowerBuilder applications. In this demo, we use Test-driven development principles to provide you a knowledge base to improve your PowerBuilder application performance, gain cost savings, in addition to assuring the long-term extensibility of your PowerBuilder code. --> Inicio / Póngase en contacto con nosotros / Ayuda / Trabajos / Notas Legales / Privacidad / Código ético Marcas Registradas 2014, Sybase Inc. - v 7.6 Sybase Iberia, S.L., (Avenida de Manoteras, 46 - Edificio Delta Norte 2 - Planta 3D - 28050 Madrid, Espa?a) es una sociedad constituida de acuerdo con la legislación del Reino de Espa?a e inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid al Tomo 12.568, Folio 224, Sección 8, Hoja M-96493, Inscripción 17 y CIF B-80506629.