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PowerBuilder: when argument to a function is in dot-notation and has value null, a null is NOT received - Stack Overflow current community chat blog Stack Overflow Meta Stack Overflow Careers 2.0 more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in tour help Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site careers 2.0 Stack Overflow Questions Tags Tour Users Ask Question Take the 2-minute tour × Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required. PowerBuilder: when argument to a function is in dot-notation and has value null, a null is NOT received up vote 0 down vote favorite I am calling a user-defined function and passing an argument that is in dot notation. For example, of_testingnullarg( tab_2.tabpage_comp_info.dw_webcomp_info.object.dormant[i] ) The above function is purely to demonstrate this problem. It accepts a long parameter and uses isNull() and messagebox() to tell the user if the parameter is null or not. Here is its listing: // of_testingnullarg( al_arg1 ) // strictly an experiment if isNull(al_arg1) then messageBox("al_arg1", "is null inside of_testingNullArg") else messageBox("al_arg1", "is NOT null inside of_testingNullArg, it is "+string(al_arg1)) end if When the dormant[i] (referring to the first function call) control contains a number, there is no problem--the parameter inside of_testingnullarg will contain the same number, as expected. But when the dormant[i] control has read null from the database, I find that the parameter inside of_testingnullarg does NOT hold null. It holds a number such as 16. Null was passed in (according to isNull()), but the parameter inside of_testingnullarg holds a number. It is not a random number, it is consistent, but seems to be dependent on how many parameters the function accepts. This problem does NOT reveal itself when I run the program inside the PowerBuilder IDE. (I am running PowerBuilder 12.5) It shows up only when I build the program and run the executable. I have found that if I first do this, the problem goes away: long ll_dormant ll_dormant = tab_2.tabpage_comp_info.dw_webcomp_info.object.dormant[i] of_testingnullarg( ll_dormant ) To summarize, the problem shows up when 3 things are true: I am NOT running the program through the PowerBuilder IDE My argument is in dot-notation (not inside a variable) The value in the control is null I think this must have something to do with a pointer on the call stack. It must be off 2 bytes or something. Is it common knowledge to always put the value into a variable first? function null PowerBuilder dot-notation share|improve this question asked 9 hours ago SeedCertProgrammer 1 add comment active oldest votes Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question via email, Google+, Twitter, or Facebook. Your Answer draft saved draft discarded Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Stack Exchange Post as a guest Name Email required, but not shown Post as a guest Name Email required, but not shown discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Browse other questions tagged function null PowerBuilder dot-notation or ask your own question. asked today viewed 5 times Community Bulletin event Burn the close review queue – until crispy Related 18 Optional function parameters: Use default arguments (NULL) or overload the function? 2 'Null-Safe' Dot notation in VB.NET … or does it exist in any language? 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