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PowerBuilder 12.5 and 15 are now showing up_燕哈哈_新浪博客 加载中… 燕哈哈的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/31heart [订阅][手机订阅] 首页 博文目录 图片 关于我 个人资料 燕哈哈 Qing 微博 加好友 发纸条 写留言 加关注 博客等级: 博客积分:1738 博客访问:201,915 关注人气:81 天天美食 精彩图文 相关博文 更多>> 推荐博文 境外媒体的中文名很好玩 刘兴亮 彰显男人魅力的胡子也可以这么可 TW极客社区 沃兹尼亚克:传奇极客的真实生活 商业价值 库克的重量级产品重在哪里? 小刀马 移动互联网战略中的围棋法则(4 沈拓2011 等死还是找死?零售企业的四种O IT老记 李东楼:互联网从业人员跳槽手册 李东楼 俄罗斯的大块头 UF TW极客社区 嘀嘀打车案暴露的移动互联网商标 游云庭 解读工信部一月通信业统计数据: 付亮的竞争情报应用 查看更多>> 谁看过这篇博文 加载中… 正文 字体大小:大 中 小 PowerBuilder 12.5 and 15 are now showing up (2013-12-06 10:19:41)转载▼ 标签: pb15 sap PowerBuilder15 sybase it 分类: PowerBuilder More good news, PowerBuilder 12.5 and 15 are now showing up in the SAP downloads area Looks like a work in progress. But it's another sign that PowerBuilder is about to become an officially recognized product. Thanks to Christoph Meken for passing along the info. Also note the link for PowerBuilder 15! PowerBuilder User Group Germany Robyn Chan - Senior Vice President - Head of Mobile Platform Michael Redford - PMP Business Information Technology, Products and Innovation PowerBuilder 15 32 and 64 bit support OData SQL 2012 Oracle 12 Windows 8 .Net 4.5 Dockable Windows Beta builds are ready now, but access to it is still being figured out. PB 15+ Open APIs eg objects like ORCA, IDE infrastructure/painter, build process Hana XSE support for PowerScript ( XSE is their JavaScript like app server language) HANA Could (HEC, Neo AWS) and on premise options Evaluating RDL (River Definition Language) support for PowerScript (intermediate layer, platform agnostic) WebApp Toolkit for multi-channel development (internal name - not announced yet, web based IDE, AppDesigner, AppBuilder, the latter was developed by the PowerBuilder team to create mobile apps, SAP UI5 -- HTML5) Client SDKs for NVOs - Typical PB app is 30% business logic in the client. The audience thought it was a lot higher. PowerBuilder.Net versus PowerBuilder Client Looking at trying to get into one IDE Plan to support JavaScript in IDE Yes, that was what support for XSE was intended to convey EAServer - what happend to NetWeaver intergration Couldn't put on slide - Looking at migrating PASP to Netweaver - probably wouldn't focus on other app servers What about support contracts That's one of the big questions they're working on. The other is that existings SAP customers have an S-user account. They're trying to figure out how to automatically give people S-user accounts so they can access the beta without going through the S-user creation process. 分享: 喜欢 阅读┊ 评论 ┊ 收藏 ┊转载 ┊ 喜欢▼ ┊打印┊举报 已投稿到: 排行榜 圈子 加载中,请稍候...... 前一篇:SAP即将发布一新版本的PowerBuilder 15 后一篇:PB15 Beta official announcement 评论 重要提示:警惕虚假中奖信息 | [发评论] 评论加载中,请稍候... 发评论 | 登录名: 密码: 找回密码 注册 记住登录状态昵 称: 分享到微博 评论并转载此博文验证码: 请点击后输入验证码 收听验证码 匿名评论 发评论 以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。 < 前一篇SAP即将发布一新版本的PowerBuilder 15 后一篇 >PB15 Beta official announcement 新浪BLOG意见反馈留言板 不良信息反馈 电话:4006900000 提示音后按1键(按当地市话标准计费) 欢迎批评指正 新浪简介 | About Sina | 广告服务 | 联系我们 | 招聘信息 | 网站律师 | SINA English | 会员注册 | 产品答疑 Copyright &copy; 1996 - 2014 SINA Corporation, All Rights Reserved 新浪公司 版权所有