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pb12.5 正式版本下载_wyb0869的空间_百度空间 相册 广场游戏 登录注册 关注此空间 wyb0869的空间 2011-09-25 15:14 pb12.5 正式版本下载 pb12正式版本下载地址http://download.sybase.com/eval/pb12eval/PowerBuilder12.zippb12.5正式版本下载地址http://download.sybase.com/eval/pb-12.5-eval/DV68538-65-1250-01.zipNew WPF DataWindow Features:AutoWidth Column for grid style DataWindow Optimized SRD syntax DataWindow Buffers in the Debugger Tab Order and Enabled support Child DataWindow control support New Candlestick Graph DataWindow style Global Functions list New Win32 DataWindow Features:AutoWidth Column for grid style DataWindow New Properties for DataWindow controls Transparent Property for Window Controls Transparency property for all Standalone Controls Sharing data sources with .NET RTF and Images in the DataWindow User-Drawn Controls in the DataWindow New Target TypesWCF Services Support for Custom Visual User Objects (CVUO) as .NET Assemblies PB .NET Assembly REST Client support – PowerBuilder .NET targets can be clients that consume RESTful (Representational State Transfer) Web ServicesMiscellaneous EnhancementsBatch Command Processing Multithreading support Language Enhancements Script Editor semantic checking ASE 15.5 BigTime and BigDateTime datatype support .NET 4.0 Framework supportImproved security for .NET applications Improved exception handling for applications that leverage the .NET framework Improved WPF 4.0 enhancements – so all the new functionality that Microsoft has put into the .NET Framework 4.0 for WPF will be leveraged in the targets listed above Product Download Center: #PowerBuilder 分享到: 举报 浏览(4361) 评论(1) 转载 你可能也喜欢 鲁鲁修 黑子的篮球 论 lancer 刀剑神域第二季全集动画预定2014年播出 成长,岁月的洗礼! 宫崎骏电影 ORACLE高效分页存储过程代码 本文最近访客 liu521241 qsyzwj 忘着你发呆 走到头1314 landmao 爱罗炼金术师 hotize 461632963 评论 帮助中心 | 空间客服 | 投诉中心 | 空间协议©2014 Baidu