


2004如皋中学高一编班考试英语卷 - 中小学教学资源网 我的管理中心 加入收藏 设为主页 试题首页语文试卷数学试卷英语试卷物理试卷化学试卷生物试卷历史试卷地理试卷政治试卷综合试卷 当前位置:中小学教学资源网 → 试题中心 → 英语试卷 → 旧体系 资源检索: 选择类型 课件下载 教学教案 试题中心 备课素材 信息资讯 精品论文 教学软件 2004如皋中学高一编班考试英语卷 试题类型 其它 - 英语试卷 - 旧体系 试题星级 授权类型 共享精品 试题大小 128 KB 联系方式 暂无联系方式 官方主页 http://www.jiaoxue.info 图片预览 解压密码 本站默认解压密码:www.jiaoxue.info ∷试题简介∷ A) 根据所听句子,从A、B、C、D选项中选出一个意思与其相同或相近的句子,每句读两遍:1. A. The room is large and ten of us can live in it. B. The room is too small for ten of us to live in. C. The room is so small that ten of us should find a larger one to live in. D. Though the room is large, ten of us still can’t live in it.2. A.There are some books and paper on the box. B. There is only some paper in the box C. There is a box and some books in the house. D. There are some books and a little paper in the box.3. A. Tom likes collecting stamps and coins. B. Tom likes collecting stamps but he doesn't collect coins. C. Tom doesn't collect stamps now but he collects coins. D. Tom collects neither stamps nor coins now. 4. A. None of the rivers are as clean as the one in my hometown. B. Some of the rivers are as clean as the one in my hometown and some are not. C. The river in my hometown is cleaner than all the others. D. The river in my hometown isn’t as clean as the others. ∷下载地址∷ ·上一试题:2005人教英语非谓语动词用法透析 人教版 ·下一试题:2004ningbo english unit2 word study 其它 ∷下载说明∷ * 为了本站网络更流畅更好的服务于广大群体,请自觉使用单线程下载本站资源。 * 本站资源多为经过杀毒软件扫描后打包的压缩包,请一定升级到最新版winRAR3.80才能正常解压本站提供的资源! * 如果您发现下载链接错误,请点击报告错误谢谢! * 站内提供的资源均是由网上搜集或由网友提供,若侵犯了你的版权利益,敬请来信通知我们! 下载排行 更多>> 关于我们 | 服务条款 | 联系方式 | 广告服务 | 网站招聘 | 友情链接 | 网站导航 Copyright © 2005 - 2010 Jiaoxue.Info All Rights Reserved 中小学教学资源网 版权所有