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authentication - docusign integration with PowerBuilder - Stack Overflow current community chat blog Stack Overflow Meta Stack Overflow Careers 2.0 your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in tour help Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site careers 2.0 Stack Overflow Questions Tags Tour Users Ask Question Take the 2-minute tour × Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required. docusign integration with PowerBuilder up vote 0 down vote favorite Has anyone done an integration with PowerBuilder Web Services? I followed the example in PowerBuilder examples library, which are all for http, whereas DocuSign uses https, and I think therein lies the problem with the PB example. I reviewed the "First Login" documentation, but it is difficult to bridge the gap to PowerBuilder. I created a soapconnection object, called setbasicauthentication function, passing it "demo.docusign.net", my [Integrator Key]email address string in a string, and my password. This returned success. I instantiated the service, which created an instance of the proxy. This succeeded. I called px_Service.getAccountMembershipFeaturesList(accountid), passing my account ID. This throws an exception: "User_Authentication_Failed - Missing authentication header". It could be that only a PowerBuilder developer would know what the problem is, but I thought I'd try here just in case. authentication PowerBuilder docusign share|improve this question asked 37 mins ago user3395500 1 add comment active oldest votes Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question via email, Google+, Twitter, or Facebook. 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Browse other questions tagged authentication PowerBuilder docusign or ask your own question. asked today viewed 2 times Related 0 DocuSign Sugarcrm Module Integration giving internal server 500 error -1 Docusign webservice using vb.net - anchor tags Custom 0 How to proceed dry run (“test”) for Docusign certification? 0 Trying to create DocuSign envelope with multiple documents 0 How to makeTitle as an optional in docusign 0 docusign error calling webservice, status is:401 0 Getting status information of multiple envelope ids in Docusign 0 I would like to integrate docusign with my application -1 Integration of DocuSign with Sharepoint Environment 0 Setting Alignment of \s1\ on the document - DocuSign for salesforce Hot Network Questions How to shorten this code or make it more efficient? Why "ls" doesnt show the file that "find" discovered ? How to get only the plots from gam.check Proving eigenvalues for a matrix Interesting meta-meta-mathematical theorems? 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