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PowerBuilder rewrite suggestions? - Stack Overflow current community chat blog Stack Overflow Meta Stack Overflow Careers 2.0 more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in tour help Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site careers 2.0 Stack Overflow Questions Tags Tour Users Ask Question Take the 2-minute tour × Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required. PowerBuilder rewrite suggestions? up vote 0 down vote favorite I am looking for suggestions on the best way to rewrite something in PowerBuilder so that it can be web-compatible. I have checked out the other posts on this topic, but most of them were over 3 years ago, so I was hoping for some updated answers. I want to rewrite this because we are merging two databases, and want to put the merged version online, and one of them is in PowerBuilder. Is PowerBuilder 12.5 an option? Much appreciated! rewrite PowerBuilder PowerBuilder-conversion share|improve this question asked Jun 19 '12 at 22:45 Jeeda 1 ?!?PowerBuilder?!? How Clinton Administration ;) I certainly wouldn't use PowerBuilder for any new projects, and I'm not sure how practical it is to support legacy PowerBuilder projects. I honestly think you'd have better luck with Borland Pascal, or DBase IV. IMHO... But look here, and see if there's anything that suits your needs ... and your budget: sybase.com/products/modelingdevelopment/PowerBuilder – paulsm4 Jun 19 '12 at 22:49 1 @paulsm4: Unlike Borland's Pascal and DBase IV, PowerBuilder is still maintained and updated by its editor. And in some companies you can still count hundreds of PB programmers... – Seki Jun 20 '12 at 7:54 @Jeeda: Not sure to understand correctly. You talk about merging databases and "one of them is in PowerBuilder" ? PB is a programming language, vb-like in some way with direct embedded SQL statements support inside the PBscript statements. It is not a database. – Seki Jun 20 '12 at 7:57 Yes, sorry, that is what I mean. One of them is written in PowerBuilder. Essentially I am trying to figure out the best way to change this database to make it web compatible... does that make more sense? – Jeeda Jun 20 '12 at 15:00 We tried this option once with PB 11 and 11.5. PB need you to create a web target and the same Windows app becomes a web app and can be deployed to IIS directly from within PB. Sounds great! But the interface remains much like a Windows app as it was essentially a Windows app. The Windows became tabs in a web page and everything used AJAX to call back and run PB code in the backend to respond to the front end. So, an app with itemchanged event coded was a horrible experience. PB 12.5 is said to be better. In our case, the client wanted a better interface and we had to code it all in ASP.NET! – somnath Jun 20 '12 at 16:01 add comment 1 Answer active oldest votes up vote 1 down vote I understand that you have an existing PowerBuilder application that you want to migrate to the web. There is a third party product to do that : Appeon for PowerBuilder (never tested myself). share|improve this answer answered Jun 20 '12 at 9:50 jva 2116 Thanks! This really helps. And yes, I am trying to change an existing PowerBuilder app so that it is web-compatible. I will look into this. – Jeeda Jun 20 '12 at 15:03 add comment Your Answer draft saved draft discarded Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Stack Exchange Post as a guest Name Email required, but not shown Post as a guest Name Email required, but not shown discard By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged rewrite PowerBuilder PowerBuilder-conversion or ask your own question. asked 1 year ago viewed 166 times active 4 months ago Community Bulletin event Propose questions for the moderator candidates – ends in 3 days event 2014 Community Moderator Election – ends Feb 25 blog Can鈥檛 We All be Reasonable and Speak English? 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