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PB高级开发环境配置 - PowerBuilder 没有公告 加入收藏 设为首页 联系站长 | 网站首页 | 数据库教程 | web编程 | 服务器 | 程序设计 | 您现在的位置: 网络学院 >> 程序设计 >> PowerBuilder >> 文章正文 PB高级开发环境配置 【字体:小 大】 PB高级开发环境配置 作者:佚名 文章来源:不详 点击数: 更新时间:2007-7-3 Advanced Development Environment Configuration   Notice  This document provides extra information on the development environment for advanced users only. Use of this information presumes knowledge of the registry. This information is provided for those developers who wish to make use of it. However, Because this is not a part of the standard documentation, this information is likely to change between releases without backward compatibility and no guarantees are made by Sybase, Inc. that this technology will be supported in any way or in any future release of PowerBuilder. This is considered an advanced and unsupported feature. Use at your own risk.   Notation   This document uses the following notational conventions: name -- italics are used for placeholders| -- separates different choices[ ] -- surrounds optional items   Base Registry Keys   PowerBuilder use the following registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\PowerBuilder\7.0HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sybase\PowerBuilder\7.0   InfoMaker uses the following registry keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\InfoMaker\7.0HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Sybase\InfoMaker\7.0   DataWindow Builder uses the following keys: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\DataWindowBuilder\7.0HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Sybase\DataWindowBuilder\7.0   International versions will add a one letter suffix to the version (i.e. 7.0u) u - Unicodej - Japanese   Through the remainder of this document, the product's HKEY_CURRENT_USER key will be abbreviated to product-hkcu and the product's HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key will be abbreviated to product-hklm.   Painter Names   Both URLs and the command line make use of painter names.   The following painter names are valid for PowerBuilder, InfoMaker, and DataWindow Builder: httpftpmailtoexecutewizardDatabaseDBProfileDataPipelineFileEditLibraryQueryReportRunReport   The following additional painter names are valid for PowerBuilder: ApplicationDataWindowDebugFunctionMenuProjectRunWindowStructureUserObjectWindow   The following additional painter names are valid for InfoMaker: Form   The following additional painter names are valid for DataWindow Builder: DataWindow   PowerBuilder URLs   Internet URL format is identified by the leading slashes "//" and follows the pattern: <service>://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<url-path>   This format is usually extended to support parameters with the following format: <service>://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<path>?<name>=<value>&<name>=<value>   The following parts may be excluded: <user>:<password>@:<password>:<port>/<path>?<name>=<value>&<name>=<value>?<name>=<value>&<name>=<value>&<name>=<value>   The following part may be repeated at the end of the pattern: &<name>=<value>   The service may only consist of the characters: a-z 0-9 . + -   In the path on Wintel, the following translations occur: : |\ /   In the name and value sections, the following translations occur: space ++ +   In the user, password, host, and port sections, the following translation occurs: / /   In all sections, the following characters are otherwise encoded as % with two hex characters: 0x00-0x1f space 0x7f-0xff < > " # % { } | ^ ~ [ ] ` ; @ ? = & : \   Service identifies the component that will interpret the remainder of the URL. Path generally points to the content. Often, the extension in the path or the content is used by the service to identify another component that processes the content. The parameters can be used by the service or the component processing the content.   The following standard browser URL services are supported and they all invoke the default browser to process them. http://user:password@host/pathftp://user:password@hostmailto:user@host   For example: http://www.sybase.comftp://www.sybase.commailto:support@sybase.com   Programs can be executed with the following URL: execute://path?args=arguments   For example: execute://C|/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office/winword.exe?args=c:\My+Documents\Sample.doc   Windows that are a part of the internal wizard application can be opened with: wizard:?entry=windownamewizard:?entry=windowname/option   where option may be 0 -- start wizard 1 -- object wizard2 -- project wizard   For example: wizard:?entry=w_sample   Painters that don't work on objects in a library or file, can be opened using: painter://   Painters that operate on objects in a file, can be opened using: painter://?action=newpainter://file?action=dosfile   Painters that operate on objects in a library, can be opened using: painter://?action=newpainter://library?action=open&entry=objectNamepainter://library?action=inherit&entry=objectNamepainter://library?action=run&entry=objectNamepainter://library?action=runonly&entry=objectName   The painter userobject also supports the following additional arguments for new user objects (may be added to the end of the URL separated by &): udotype=cv|ev|sv|cnv|snvudoclass=class-name   The painters userobject, window, and application also support the following additional arguments for positioning to an individual script: function=function-namecontrol=control-nameevent=event-nameline=line-number   The painters userobject, window, application, and function also support the following additional arguments for positioning to a structure: structure=structure-name   The painter project also requires the following additional argument for specifying the project type when action=new. guid={genererator-guid}   The GUIDs for the projects are: {bb0dd543-b36e-11d1-bb47-000086095dda} -- Application{36A08730-A06D-11D0-AEDC-00A0D103F6BC} -- Proxy Library{1B1DCEE1-E514-11D1-B30A-006008925BD4} -- Jaguar Proxy{DF93F2A2-E504-11D1-B30A-006008925BD4} -- Jaguar Component{3D326055-5AB3-11D1-9281-00A0247712F1} -- COM/MTS Component{CA82AC28-36A9-11d2-B30B-006008925BD4} -- Automation Server{DA7487C2-3843-11d2-B30F-00600825A521} -- Web.PB{44E34E90-41B2-11D1-BD7B-080009AC019B} -- Java Proxy   9 7 3 1 2 3 4 8 : New Dialog   The new dialog can be customized to include additional icons. In this way, icons can be added that would, for instance, open a new window that is inherited from a specific object. The icons can map to any of the URLs described in the previous section.   Each item that appears in the new dialog must be registered under a key with a unique CLSID. The CLSID should be generated with Microsoft's GUIDGEN or UUIDGEN. product-hklm\CLSID\{clsid}   The values that are supported under that key: (default)=labelDefaultIcon=path,indexURL=internal-url   Icons appear in the PowerBuilder new dialog by specifying one of the following values: StartTool=ObjectTool=DataWindowTool=DatabaseTool=ProjectTool=Tool=   Icons appear in the InfoMaker and DataWindow Builder new dialogs by specifying one of the following values: IMLibraryTool=IMObjectTool=IMDatabaseTool=IMTool=   Icons may be restricted to certain products by specifying one of: OnlyInPB=OnlyInIM= -- InfoMaker without form painterOnlyInIX= -- InfoMaker with form painterOnlyInDWB=   For example: product-hklm\CLSID\{d49b4590-3880-11d2-bc50-000000000000}(default)=Sybase Home PageURL=http://www.sybase.comDefaultIcon=C:\Program Files\PLUS!\Microsoft Internet\IEXPLORE.EXE,1Tool=   To-Do List   All of the to-do list entries appear in the registry under the key: product-hkcu\Application\$pbl-path(application-name)\ToDo   Where pbl-path is the path the application's library with slashes (\ or /) translated to $ and application-name is the name of the application.   Under that key the following values are used to save the number of items and the last selection: Count=countSelection=selection   Each of the to-do entries are stored under sequentially numbered values of the format: n=y|n ~t text ~t URL   The y or n represents the checked state of the item. The checked state, text, and URL are separated by tab characters (~t). The URL may be any of the URLs described in the URL section above.   Note: When the to-do list is closed, it completely rewrites this key. Any changes made to this key while the to-do list is open will be lost.   To-Do List Wizards   With the following registry entries, additional entries may be added to a user's to-do list with a wizard is run. product-hklm\CustomTo-Do\wizard-type\wizard-tab   where wizard-type may be one of: templatejaguar proxyjaguar componentcom componentole auto component   and wizard-tab may be one of: startobjectproject   Value names under this key can be any legal value name. All values will be used in alphabetical order.   The values must be a semicolon (;) delimited set of name=value pairs or an URL with a and text sub-value. For example: Item1=service=window;path=c:\pbls\myapp.pbl;action=open;entry=w_main;text=Open w_main windowItem2=http://www.sybase.com;text=Go to Sybase web page   Wizard Application Lib List   The wizards in PowerBuilder were written using PowerBuilder itself. PowerBuilder simply starts up a run-time session with a separate application. Windows in this application are usually opened using an URL with a service of wizard. The library list to this application can be extended through the registry. A maximum of 30 libraries may be added.   The library values must be under the key: product-hklm\WizardLibraries   The libraries must be in sequentially numbered values. For example: 1=c:\PowerBuilderextension1.pbd2=c:\PowerBuilderextension2.pbd   Note: If Sybase needs to add additional wizards between releases, the installation of those wizards will overwrite one or more of these entries.   9 7 3 1 2 3 4 8 : Duplicating Configurations   To duplicate the keyboard shortcuts, toolbar configuration, or view layouts between machines use the Export Registry File and Import Registry File menu items in regedit.exe to duplicate the following keys: product-hkcu\Shortcutsproduct-hkcu\Toolbarproduct-hkcu\Layout   Command Line Arguments   /painter painterName or /p painterName Identifies the target painter. See the section above.   /library objectLibName or /l objectLibName Identifies the library for an open or inherit operation.   /file fileName or /f fileName Identify the file. For the painter FileEdit opens the specified file in the editor. For the painter Report, opens the specified .psr in the editor.   /open objectName or /o objectName Identifies the object that the painter should be opened to display. The object MUST be in the library specified in the /library option.   /inherit ancestorName or /i ancestorName Create a new object that inherits from the passed object that must be in the library specified in the /library option.   /argument argument or /a argument A painter dependent argument. Used by Sybase only.   /new or /n Indicates that a new object should be created.   /run or /r Runs the painter. Used with painter project to run a project. Used with painter runreport to preview a datawindow. Used with form to preview a form.   /runonly or /ro Run the painter and then close immediately. This can be used with the painter project to run a project and exit.   /appname appObjName or /ap appObjName Specify the application object name. The object must exist in the library specified by /applibrary.   /applibrary appLibraryName or /appl appLibraryName Indicates the library that the application is in. If there is only a single library in the library list, then the /librarylist parameter does not have to be specified.   /searchlist libList or /s libList  /librarylist libList or /libraryl libList  /path libList or /pat libList Specify the library list. This does not need to be specified if the /applibrary is the only library.   /sdi Indicates that the painter should operate in SDI look mode. This is done by maximizing the sheet and removing MDI menu items and decorations. The behavior of the frame is modified as well. When no sheet is visible, then the frame is made invisible.   /url painterUrl or /u painterUrl Open according to an URL. See the section on URLs.    Toolbar Customization   URLs may also be entered as the command line for custom toolbar items in the toolbar customization dialogs.9 7 3 1 2 3 4 8 : 站内文章搜索 高级搜索 文章录入:admin 责任编辑:admin 上一篇文章: 在PB7中,通过JDBC,JDS或JDM接口与 数据库 互连下一篇文章: PB API调用原型 【发表评论】【加入收藏】【告诉好友】【打印此文】【关闭窗口】 最新热点 最新推荐 相关文章 在PB程序中实现ODBC数据… 用PB5 设计 串口通讯程序 如何用VC创建可在PB中调… PB连接Microsoft SQL S… 用PB编写多线程应用程序 开发手记---JAVA数据库连接池visual C++ 6.0开发工具与调…在Ubuntu上搭建E-Ink AM-100…技术开发频道一周精选2007-8…面向 Java 开发人员的 db4o …(转)使用面向对象的技术创…VC6开发多语言界面支持的简单…基金查询器是否需要继续开发…delphi 开发技巧短信控件,短信开发控件,短信…   网友评论:(只显示最新10条。评论内容只代表网友观点,与本站立场无关!) | 设为首页 | 加入收藏 | 联系站长 | 友情链接 | 版权申明 | 网站公告 | 网站地图 | 管理登录 | 网络学院&copy;2007 www.23book.net 为您提供web编程,vb编程,vc编程,服务器架设管理,数据库设计等方面的知识 站长:David