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SAP即将发布一新版本的PowerBuilder 15_燕哈哈_新浪博客 加载中… 燕哈哈的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/31heart [订阅][手机订阅] 首页 博文目录 图片 关于我 个人资料 燕哈哈 Qing 微博 加好友 发纸条 写留言 加关注 博客等级: 博客积分:1719 博客访问:193,933 关注人气:81 天天美食 精彩图文 相关博文 更多>> 推荐博文 别了,任正非讲话 IT老记 特斯拉能复制苹果的成功吗? hotashang 2013年移动互联网盘点与展望 奥卡姆剃刀 查看更多>> 谁看过这篇博文 加载中… 正文 字体大小:大 中 小 SAP即将发布一新版本的PowerBuilder 15 (2013-11-22 09:47:11)转载▼ 标签: sap pb15 发布 PowerBuilder15 sybase it 分类: PowerBuilder SAP TO ANNOUNCE A NEW VERSION OF PowerBuilder Wed, 20/11/2013 - 11:26 font size 15" /> 15" /> Print Email Yesterday night, SAP confirmed that they will be presenting the official PB Roadmap during the PB World Tour in Europe. After months of speculation, confirmation arrived that SAP will officially support PowerBuilder, and that a new version will be released containing additional features. This announcement will be made directly by SAP to the community during the PB World Tour in Germany on December 3, organised by Ludwin Feiten, Head of PBUGG. Michael Redford (SAP BIT) and Robyn Chan (Senior Vice President, Head of Mobile Platform, SAP AG) will join the conference in Walldorf to present the Roadmap. Details on the conference agenda in English can be found here, the original details in German can be found here (PDF). The roadmap will also be presented during other stops of the PB World Tour, including Italy (Dec 5-6) and Paris (Dec 10-11). PowerBuilder will be making it on to the official SAP price list. As for all SAP official products, this means that it will be supported for years to come. Last summer, PowerBuilder was moved to the Business Information Technology (BIT) division in SAP; over this period a number of discussions have taken place between members of the PB community and SAP to help them better understand the needs of developers and to discuss future evolutions of the product. SAP has confirmed that a new version (probably PB15) will be released. A Beta Program should be put in place shortly for interested developers. During this presentation, SAP will explain its strategy for future evolutions of PowerBuilder and also the integration of PowerBuilder into the SAP eco-system. 分享: 喜欢 阅读┊ 评论 ┊ 收藏 ┊转载 ┊ 喜欢▼ ┊打印┊举报 已投稿到: 排行榜 圈子 加载中,请稍候...... 前一篇:N7100手机坏了,然后被骗经历 后一篇:PowerBuilder 12.5 and 15 are now showing up 评论 重要提示:警惕虚假中奖信息 | [发评论] 评论加载中,请稍候... 发评论 | 登录名: 密码: 找回密码 注册 记住登录状态昵 称: 分享到微博 评论并转载此博文验证码: 请点击后输入验证码 收听验证码 匿名评论 发评论 以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。 < 前一篇N7100手机坏了,然后被骗经历 后一篇 >PowerBuilder 12.5 and 15 are now showing up 新浪BLOG意见反馈留言板 不良信息反馈 电话:4006900000 提示音后按1键(按当地市话标准计费) 欢迎批评指正 新浪简介 | About Sina | 广告服务 | 联系我们 | 招聘信息 | 网站律师 | SINA English | 会员注册 | 产品答疑 Copyright &copy; 1996 - 2014 SINA Corporation, All Rights Reserved 新浪公司 版权所有