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PowerBuilder 12.5 New Features - CSDN论坛 - CSDN.NET --> 首页 论坛帮助 论坛牛人 论坛地图 CSDN > CSDN论坛 > PowerBuilder > 基础类 管理菜单 置顶 推荐 锁定 移动 编辑 删除 帖子加分 帖子高亮 结帖 发帖 回复 ehxz PowerBuilder 12.5 New Features [问题点数:40分,结帖人ehxz] 不显示删除回复 显示所有回复 显示星级回复 显示得分回复 只显示楼主 收藏 ehxz ehxz 等级: 结帖率:96.69% 楼主 发表于: 2011-09-04 16:17:31 PowerBuilder Classic and .NET This section describes new features that are common to both PowerBuilder Classic and PowerBuilder .NET. AutoWidth Property In the PowerBuilder Classic DataWindow and PowerBuilder .NET WPF DataWindow, the AutoWidth property allows you to choose the option to automatically compute the width of a column in a grid style DataWindow. Support for Tab Sequence, Enabled, and Show Focus Rectangle Properties These properties are supported in the PowerBuilder Classic DataWindow. PowerBuilder .NET WPF DataWindow supports only Tab Sequence and Enabled. Support for New ASE 15.5 Datatypes PowerBuilder supports the new datatypes in ASE 15.5: BIGTIME and BIGDATETIME. PowerBuilder Classic This section describes new features for the PowerBuilder Classic IDE only. Window Control transparent Value and transparency property PowerBuilder 12.5 introduces two new features for window controls Sharing Datasources with .NET New support is added for sharing ADO.NET connections RTF and Images in the DataWindow Object PowerBuilder 12.5 introduces the RTF, Image, and XPS Database Blobs, as well as RichText and RichTextFile expression functions for Computed Fields. User-Drawn Controls in DataWindow Objects The Paint expression functions allow you to draw objects in the DataWindow such as polygons, arrow tips, pie slices, and so on. PowerBuilder .NET This section describes new features for the PowerBuilder .NET IDE only. .NET 4.0 Framework PowerBuilder upgrades the runtime library for .NET 4.0 Visual Studio 2010 Isolated Shell PowerBuilder .NET 12.5 uses the Visual Studio 2010 isolated shell Service Pack 1. Script Editor Changes The PowerScript editor has been enhanced. Batch Command Processing PowerBuilder .NET introduces batch build processing. Multithreading Support PowerBuilder enhances runtime support for multithreaded applications. Targets This section describes new features for the PowerBuilder .NET IDE only. Language Enhancements This section describes new features for the PowerBuilder .NET IDE only. WPF DataWindow Enhancements This section describes new features for the PowerBuilder .NET IDE only. http://www.sybasebbs.com/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=33 分享到: 更多 对我有用[0] 丢个板砖[0] 引用 | 举报 | 编辑 删除 管理 回复次数:5 mtbiao mtbiao 等级: 结帖率:66.67% #1 得分:11 回复于: 2011-09-04 17:58:14 目前还没升级到12.5 对我有用[0] 丢个板砖[0] 引用 | 举报 | 编辑 删除 管理 xuam xuam 等级: 结帖率:100% #2 得分:8 回复于: 2011-09-04 20:48:08 丁页一个. 对我有用[0] 丢个板砖[0] 引用 | 举报 | 编辑 删除 管理 a78782295 a78782295 等级: 结帖率:100% #3 得分:7 回复于: 2011-09-05 11:11:50 顶一个!! 对我有用[0] 丢个板砖[0] 引用 | 举报 | 编辑 删除 管理 sbigwolf sbigwolf 等级: 结帖率:79.17% #4 得分:7 回复于: 2011-09-05 11:15:42 我想要12.5的补丁出来后,在看破解版可能好一些。 对我有用[0] 丢个板砖[0] 引用 | 举报 | 编辑 删除 管理 wallis wallis 等级: 结帖率:100% #5 得分:7 回复于: 2011-09-07 09:07:55 非常好,支持一下 对我有用[0] 丢个板砖[0] 引用 | 举报 | 编辑 删除 管理 管理菜单 置顶 推荐 锁定 移动 编辑 删除 帖子加分 帖子高亮 结帖 发帖 回复 写出你眼中的IE11 赢取新年好礼! 勇敢写出你的爱 赢莫文蔚签名大礼 2014年4月微软MVP申请开始了! 陈勇- 敏捷开发现状及发展之路 CSDN高校俱乐部 高校全新改版邀你来学习和挑战 回复内容 每天回帖即可获得10分可用分!小技巧:教您如何更快获得可用分 你还可以输入10000个字符(Ctrl+Enter) 请遵守CSDN用户行为准则,不得违反国家法律法规。 转载文章请注明出自“CSDN(www.csdn.net)”。如是商业用途请联系原作者。 核心技术类目 全部主题 Java VPN Android iOS ERP IE10 Eclipse CRM JavaScript Ubuntu NFC WAP jQuery 数据库 BI HTML5 Spring Apache Hadoop .NET API HTML SDK IIS Fedora XML LBS Unity Splashtop UML components Windows Mobile Rails QEMU KDE Cassandra CloudStack FTC coremail OPhone CouchBase 云计算 iOS6 Rackspace [关闭] [关闭]