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Quake2 Conversion Source powerful pylon View source code: p_hud.pas - VerySource 切换至中文 Over 1 million code package, 10 million code file free download Category Code/Resource Windows Develop GUI Develop Button control ComboBox EditBox TreeView Static control PropertySheet RichEdit ListView-ListBox Menu control ToolBar StatusBar Dialog_Window Tab Control ActiveX-DCOM-ATL ADO-ODBC Multimedia Develop IME Develop GDI-Bitmap Windows Kernel WinSock-NDIS ISAPI-IE Communication Screen Saver Shell api Hook api Multi Monitor Printing program Driver Develop Other windows programs DirextX DNA Process-Thread CSharp File Operate Console .net Linux-Unix program Linux Network Internet-Socket-Network Web Server Browser Client Ftp Server Ftp Client Browser Plugins Proxy Server Email Server Email Client WEB Mail Firewall-Security Telnet Server Telnet Client ICQ-IM-Chat Search Engine Sniffer Package capture Remote Control xml-soap-webservice P2P WEB(ASP,PHP...) TCP/IP Stack SNMP Grid Computing SilverLight Network Security Kill Virus Exploit Scanner ICQ Hack Crack_Hack Communication-Mobile Fax program BREW J2ME Com Port Parallel Port Modem program SMS MMS WAP develop Symbian Windows Mobile Voice Compress USB develop TAPI GPS develop RFID 3G develop MTK android iPhone Game Program Game Hook Crack Chess Poker games Game Engine Other Games Shot Game Game Server Simulator Other Riddle games Editor Multimedia program Speech/Voice recognition/combine Audio program midi program mpeg mp3 VOIP program DVD Streaming_Mpeg4 Video Capture Graph program OpenGL program Special Effects Fractal program Graph Recognize GIS program Picture Viewer 2D Graphic 3D Graphic Graph Drawing Wavelet OpenCV CAD Compiler program Compress-Decompress algrithms Crypt_Decrypt algrithms CA program Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms Bio-Recognize matlab Data structs Algorithm AI-NN-PR STL MultiLanguage Disk Tools SCSI-ASPI Java Develop Applet Games Jsp/Servlet Ajax JavaScript assembly language Applications Finance-Stock software system Education soft system ERP-EIP-OA-Portal Post-TeleCom sofeware systems OA hospital software system Home Personal application Goverment application Hotel software system Shop supermarket software system transportation applications Energy industry Other systems Database system Oracle SQL Server MySQL Other Databases Embeded-SCM Develop ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPS Embeded Linux SCM VxWorks uCOS DSP program Other Embeded program Windows CE VHDL-FPGA-Verilog FlashMX/Flex source in ebook Delphi VCL OS Develop MiddleWare MPI MacOS develop Ebook Visual C++ Books Java Books Delphi-C++Builder Other Books Certification book Artical/Document File Formats Project Manage Project Design software engineering Development Research IT Hero Software Testing Home > Category > Code/Resource > Game Program > Game Hook Crack > View Code p_hud.pas Package [view]: Quake2-con-Src.zip Upload User: qcgsll Upload Date: 2009-08-15 Package Size: 1277k Code Size: 20k Category: Game Hook Crack Development Platform: Delphi p_hud.pas:Code Content //This is "COMMON" file for GAMEp_hud.pas & CTFp_hud.pas {$DEFINE CTF} {$IFDEF CTF} {$ELSE} {$ENDIF} // PLEASE, don't modify this file // 70% complete {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { } { File(s): p_hud.c } { } { Initial conversion by : YgriK (Igor Karpov) - glYgriK@hotbox.ru } { Initial conversion on : 04-Feb-2002 } { } { This File contains part of convertion of Quake2 source to ObjectPascal. } { More information about this project can be found at: } { http://www.sulaco.co.za/quake2/ } { } { Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc. } { } { This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or } { modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License } { as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 } { of the License, or (at your option) any later version. } { } { This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, } { but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of } { MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. } { } { See the GNU General Public License for more details. } { } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Updated on : } { Updated by : } { } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { * Still dependent (to compile correctly) on: } { 1) g_local.??? (inc & pas) } { } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { * TODO: } { 1) Do more tests } { } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} #include "g_local.h" {* ====================================================================== INTERMISSION ====================================================================== *} // GAME=CTF procedure MoveClientToIntermission (edict_t *ent); begin if (deathmatch.value OR coop.value) then ent.client.showscores := true; VectorCopy (level.intermission_origin, ent.s.origin); ent.client.ps.pmove.origin[0] := level.intermission_origin[0] *8; ent.client.ps.pmove.origin[1] := level.intermission_origin[1] *8; ent.client.ps.pmove.origin[2] := level.intermission_origin[2] *8; VectorCopy (level.intermission_angle, ent.client.ps.viewangles); ent.client.ps.pmove.pm_type := PM_FREEZE; ent.client.ps.gunindex := 0; ent.client.ps.blend[3] := 0; ent.client.ps.rdflags := ent.client.ps.rdflags AND (NOT RDF_UNDERWATER); // clean up powerup info ent.client.quad_framenum := 0; ent.client.invincible_framenum := 0; ent.client.breather_framenum := 0; ent.client.enviro_framenum := 0; ent.client.grenade_blew_up := false; ent.client.grenade_time := 0; ent.viewheight := 0; ent.s.modelindex := 0; ent.s.modelindex2 := 0; ent.s.modelindex3 := 0; ent.s.modelindex := 0; ent.s.effects := 0; ent.s.sound := 0; ent.solid := SOLID_NOT; // add the layout if (deathmatch.value OR coop.value) then begin DeathmatchScoreboardMessage (ent, Nil); gi.unicast (ent, true); end; end;//procedure (GAME=CTF) // GAME <> CTF procedure BeginIntermission (edict_t *targ); var i, n : integer; edict_t *ent, *client; begin if (level.intermissiontime) then Exit; // already activated {$IFDEF CTF} //only CTF //ZOID if (deathmatch.value AND ctf.value) then CTFCalcScores(); //ZOID {$ENDIF} game.autosaved = false; // respawn any dead clients for i:=0 to maxclients.value-1 do begin client := g_edicts + 1 + i; if (!client.inuse) then Continue; if (client.health <= 0) then respawn(client); end; level.intermissiontime := level.time; level.changemap := targ.map; {Y} if (strstr(level.changemap, '*')) then if (coop.value) then for i:=0 to maxclients.value-1 do begin client := g_edicts + 1 + i; if (!client.inuse) then Continue; // strip players of all keys between units for n:=0 to MAX_ITEMS-1 do if ((itemlist[n].flags AND IT_KEY) <> 0) client.client.pers.inventory[n] := 0; end;//for else if (!deathmatch.value) then begin level.exitintermission := 1; // go immediately to the next level Exit; end; level.exitintermission = 0; // find an intermission spot ent := G_Find (NULL, FOFS(classname), 'info_player_intermission'); if (!ent) then begin // the map creator forgot to put in an intermission point... ent := G_Find (NULL, FOFS(classname), 'info_player_start'); if (!ent) then ent := G_Find (NULL, FOFS(classname), 'info_player_deathmatch'); end else begin // chose one of four spots i := random(3); // while (i--) while (i <> 0) do begin ent := G_Find (ent, FOFS(classname), 'info_player_intermission'); if (!ent) then// wrap around the list ent := G_Find (ent, FOFS(classname), 'info_player_intermission'); Dec(i); end; end; VectorCopy (ent.s.origin, level.intermission_origin); VectorCopy (ent.s.angles, level.intermission_angle); // move all clients to the intermission point for i:=0 to maxclients.value-1 do begin client := g_edicts + 1 + i; if (!client.inuse) then Continue; MoveClientToIntermission (client); end; end;//procedure (GAME <> CTF) {* ================== DeathmatchScoreboardMessage ================== *} // GAME <> CTF procedure DeathmatchScoreboardMessage (edict_t *ent, edict_t *killer); var char entry[1024]; char string[1400]; stringlength, i, j, k, score, total, x, y, picnum : integer; sorted, sortedscores : array [0..MAX_CLIENTS-1] of integer; gclient_t *cl; edict_t *cl_ent; char *tag; begin {$IFDEF CTF} //only CTF //ZOID if (ctf.value) then begin CTFScoreboardMessage (ent, killer); Exit; end; //ZOID {$ENDIF} // sort the clients by score total := 0; for i:=0 to game.maxclients-1 do begin cl_ent := g_edicts + 1 + i; {$IFDEF CTF} if (!cl_ent.inuse) then Continue; {$ELSE} if (!cl_ent.inuse OR game.clients[i].resp.spectator) then Continue; {$ENDIF} score := game.clients[i].resp.score; for j:=0 to total-1 do if (score > sortedscores[j]) Break; (*{Y:} for (k=total ; k>j ; k--) { sorted[k] := sorted[k-1]; sortedscores[k] := sortedscores[k-1]; }*) k := total; while k>j do begin sorted[k] := sorted[k-1]; sortedscores[k] := sortedscores[k-1]; Dec(k); end; sorted[j] := i; sortedscores[j] := score; total++; end;//for // print level name and exit rules string[0] := 0; stringlength := strlen(string); // add the clients in sorted order if (total > 12) then total := 12; for i:=0 to total-1 do begin cl = &game.clients[sorted[i]]; cl_ent := g_edicts + 1 + sorted[i]; picnum := gi.imageindex ('i_fixme'); (* x = (i>=6) ? 160 : 0; y = 32 + 32 * (i%6);*) if (i>=6) then x := 160 else x := 0; y := 32 + 32 * (i MOD 6); // add a dogtag if (cl_ent = ent) then tag := 'tag1'; else if (cl_ent = killer) then tag := 'tag2'; else tag := NULL; if (tag) then begin Com_sprintf (entry, sizeof(entry), 'xv %i yv %i picn %s ',x+32, y, tag); j := strlen(entry); if (stringlength + j > 1024) then Break; strcpy (string + stringlength, entry); stringlength += j; end; // send the layout Com_sprintf (entry, sizeof(entry), 'client %i %i %i %i %i %i ', x, y, sorted[i], cl.resp.score, cl.ping, (level.framenum - cl.resp.enterframe)/600); j := strlen(entry); if (stringlength + j > 1024) then Break; strcpy (string + stringlength, entry); Inc(stringlength, j); end;//for gi.WriteByte (svc_layout); gi.WriteString (string); end;//procedure (GAME <> CTF) {* ================== DeathmatchScoreboard Draw instead of help message. Note that it isn't that hard to overflow the 1400 byte message limit! ================== *} // (GAME=CTF) procedure DeathmatchScoreboard (edict_t *ent); begin DeathmatchScoreboardMessage (ent, ent.enemy); gi.unicast (ent, true); end;//procedure (GAME=CTF) {* ================== Cmd_Score_f Display the scoreboard ================== *} // GAME <> CTF procedure Cmd_Score_f (edict_t *ent); begin ent.client.showinventory := false; ent.client.showhelp := false; {$IFDEF CTF} //only CTF //ZOID if (ent.client.menu) then PMenu_Close(ent); //ZOID {$ENDIF} if (!deathmatch.value AND !coop.value) then Exit; if (ent.client.showscores) then begin ent.client.showscores := false; {$IFDEF CTF} //only CTF ent.client.update_chase := true; {$ENDIF} Exit; end; ent.client.showscores := true; DeathmatchScoreboard (ent); end;//procedure (GAME <> CTF) // (GAME=CTF) {* ================== HelpComputer Draw help computer. ================== *} procedure HelpComputer (edict_t *ent); var char string[1024]; char *sk; begin if (skill.value = 0) then sk := 'easy' else if (skill.value = 1) then sk := 'medium' else if (skill.value = 2) then sk := 'hard' else sk := 'hard+'; (* //Y-code Case skill.value od 0: 1: 2: else end; *) // send the layout (* Com_sprintf (string, sizeof(string), "xv 32 yv 8 picn help " // background "xv 202 yv 12 string2 "%s" " // skill "xv 0 yv 24 cstring2 "%s" " // level name "xv 0 yv 54 cstring2 "%s" " // help 1 "xv 0 yv 110 cstring2 "%s" " // help 2 "xv 50 yv 164 string2 " kills goals secrets" " "xv 50 yv 172 string2 "%3i/%3i %i/%i %i/%i" ", sk, level.level_name, game.helpmessage1, game.helpmessage2, level.killed_monsters, level.total_monsters, level.found_goals, level.total_goals, level.found_secrets, level.total_secrets);*) //Y-check: EOL-marker??? Com_sprintf (string, sizeof(string), 'xv 32 yv 8 picn help ' // background 'xv 202 yv 12 string2 "%s" ' // skill 'xv 0 yv 24 cstring2 "%s" ' // level name 'xv 0 yv 54 cstring2 "%s" ' // help 1 'xv 0 yv 110 cstring2 "%s" ' // help 2 'xv 50 yv 164 string2 " kills goals secrets" ' 'xv 50 yv 172 string2 "%3i/%3i %i/%i %i/%i" ', [sk, level.level_name, game.helpmessage1, game.helpmessage2, level.killed_monsters, level.total_monsters, level.found_goals, level.total_goals, level.found_secrets, level.total_secrets]); gi.WriteByte (svc_layout); gi.WriteString (string); gi.unicast (ent, true); end;//procedure (GAME=CTF) // GAME <> CTF {* ================== Cmd_Help_f Display the current help message ================== *} procedure Cmd_Help_f (edict_t *ent); begin // this is for backwards compatability if (deathmatch.value) then begin Cmd_Score_f (ent); Exit; end; ent.client.showinventory := false; ent.client.showscores := false; {$IFDEF CTF} if (ent.client.showhelp AND (ent.client.resp.game_helpchanged = game.helpchanged)) then {$ELSE} if (ent.client.showhelp AND (ent.client.pers.game_helpchanged = game.helpchanged)) then {$ENDIF} begin ent.client.showhelp := false; Exit; end; ent.client.showhelp := true; {$IFDEF CTF} ent.client.resp.helpchanged := 0; {$ELSE} ent.client.pers.helpchanged := 0; {$ENDIF} HelpComputer (ent); end;//procedure (GAME <> CTF) //======================================================================= // GAME <> CTF {* =============== G_SetStats =============== *} procedure G_SetStats (edict_t *ent) var gitem_t *item; index, cells, power_armor_type : integer; begin // // health // ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH_ICON] := level.pic_health; ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] := ent.health; // // ammo // if (!ent.client.ammo_index (*idsoft/* || !ent->client->pers.inventory[ent->client->ammo_index] */*)) then ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_AMMO_ICON] := 0; ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_AMMO] := 0; end else begin item = &itemlist[ent.client.ammo_index]; ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_AMMO_ICON] := gi.imageindex (item.icon); ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_AMMO] := ent.client.pers.inventory[ent.client.ammo_index]; end; // // armor // power_armor_type := PowerArmorType (ent); if (power_armor_type) then begin cells := ent.client.pers.inventory[ITEM_INDEX(FindItem ('cells'))]; if (cells = 0) then begin // ran out of cells for power armor // ent->flags &= ~FL_POWER_ARMOR; ent.flags := ent.flags AND (NOT FL_POWER_ARMOR); gi.sound(ent, CHAN_ITEM, gi.soundindex('misc/power2.wav'), 1, ATTN_NORM, 0); power_armor_type := 0;; end; end; index := ArmorIndex (ent); if (power_armor_type AND (!index OR (level.framenum AND 8) ) ) then begin // flash between power armor and other armor icon ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR_ICON] := gi.imageindex ('i_PowerShield'); ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] := cells; end else if (index<>0) then begin item = GetItemByIndex (index); ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR_ICON] := gi.imageindex (item.icon); ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] := ent.client.pers.inventory[index]; end else begin ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR_ICON] := 0; ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] := 0; end; // // pickup message // if (level.time > ent.client.pickup_msg_time) then begin ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_PICKUP_ICON] := 0; ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_PICKUP_STRING] := 0; end; // // timers // if (ent.client.quad_framenum > level.framenum) then begin ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] := gi.imageindex ('p_quad'); ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] := (ent.client.quad_framenum - level.framenum)/10; end else if (ent.client.invincible_framenum > level.framenum) then begin ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] := gi.imageindex ('p_invulnerability'); ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] := (ent.client.invincible_framenum - level.framenum)/10; end else if (ent.client.enviro_framenum > level.framenum) then begin ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] := gi.imageindex ('p_envirosuit'); ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] := (ent.client.enviro_framenum - level.framenum)/10; end else if (ent.client.breather_framenum > level.framenum) then begin ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] := gi.imageindex ('p_rebreather'); ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] := (ent.client.breather_framenum - level.framenum)/10; end else begin ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER_ICON] := 0; ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_TIMER] := 0; end; // // selected item // if (ent.client.pers.selected_item = -1) then ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_SELECTED_ICON] := 0 else ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_SELECTED_ICON] := gi.imageindex (itemlist[ent.client.pers.selected_item].icon); ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_SELECTED_ITEM] := ent.client.pers.selected_item; // // layouts // ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] := 0; if (deathmatch.value) then begin if (ent.client.pers.health <= 0 OR level.intermissiontime OR ent.client.showscores) then ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] := ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] OR 1; if (ent.client.showinventory AND ent.client.pers.health > 0) then ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] := ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] OR 2; end else begin if (ent.client.showscores OR ent.client.showhelp) then ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] := ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] OR 1; if (ent.client.showinventory AND ent.client.pers.health > 0) then ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] := ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] OR 2; end; // // frags // ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_FRAGS] := ent.client.resp.score; // // help icon / current weapon if not shown // {$IFDEF CTF} if (ent.client.resp.helpchanged && (level.framenum&8) ) {$ELSE} if (ent.client.pers.helpchanged && (level.framenum&8) ) {$ENDIF} then ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HELPICON] := gi.imageindex ('i_help'); else if ( (ent.client.pers.hand = CENTER_HANDED OR ent.client.ps.fov > 91) && ent.client.pers.weapon) then ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HELPICON] := gi.imageindex (ent.client.pers.weapon.icon); else ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_HELPICON] := 0; {$IFDEF CTF} //ZOID SetCTFStats(ent); //ZOID {$ELSE} ent.client.ps.stats[STAT_SPECTATOR] := 0; {$ENDIF} end;//procedure (GAME <> CTF) {$IFNEF CTF} {* =============== G_CheckChaseStats =============== *} //only GAME procedure G_CheckChaseStats (edict_t *ent); var i : integer; gclient_t *cl; begin for i:=1 to maxclients.value do begin cl := g_edicts[i].client; if (!g_edicts[i].inuse) OR (cl.chase_target <> ent) Continue; memcpy(cl->ps.stats, ent->client->ps.stats, sizeof(cl->ps.stats)); G_SetSpectatorStats(g_edicts + i); end; end;//procedure (onlyGAME) //only GAME {* =============== G_SetSpectatorStats =============== *} procedure G_SetSpectatorStats (edict_t *ent); begin gclient_t *cl = ent->client; if (!cl.chase_target) then G_SetStats (ent); cl.ps.stats[STAT_SPECTATOR] := 1; // layouts are independant in spectator cl.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] := 0; if (cl.pers.health <= 0 OR level.intermissiontime OR cl.showscores) then cl.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] := cl.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] OR 1; if (cl.showinventory AND cl.pers.health > 0) then cl.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] := cl.ps.stats[STAT_LAYOUTS] OR 2; if (cl.chase_target && cl.chase_target.inuse) then cl.ps.stats[STAT_CHASE] := CS_PLAYERSKINS + (cl.chase_target - g_edicts) - 1 else cl.ps.stats[STAT_CHASE] := 0; end;//procedure (onlyGAME) {$ENDIF} // End of file Contact: sales: saleverysourcecom editor: editorverysourcecom service: serviceverysourcecom Link: snsoft CopyRight &copy; 2008-2014 verySource.Com All Rights reserved. 苏ICP备 13026238-5 号